TIP: Flask with Snake Poison


If you are a player level 250+ and have access to The Cobra Bastion, you should know that there is a Flask with Snake Poison that can be found in their kitchen and if you use it in the local cauldron to poisoning their soup, the creatures of the bastion will spawn with –2000 points of live and weaker for 30 minutes, making it easier to defeat.

– level 250+
– Concluded The Order of Cobra Quest.

Since some people want to dominate the respawn and it just spawn once a day at the third floor (#3), it is a little difficult to get, but it worth trying!
You must have in mind that it will be empty and it will be called empty ritual flask and as said it will respawn once a day at server save. It cannot be obtained in the market, only a player can sell it and its price is not defined. Once you get it, go to a place where you can find a Cobra , kill it and use the empty flask on its body to take the poison, turning it into a Flask with Snake Poison.

+ =


In the city of Ankrahmun, go to the exit that is north-east through the entire city until you reach the desert, walk north until you arrive at the Cobra Fortress, called Cobra Bastion.

Once inside, head to floor #3, where the Cobra Bastion kitchen is located.

In the soup cauldron, he spills the vial of poison, thus obtaining the benefit of reducing the life of the Cobras.

+= 2000 HP!

We hope this tip will be useful to you!

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