Flower month contest: Make the most beautiful garden. FINISHED!

Follow the RULES:

  • The contest rules from june 11th 2021 until server save of july 10th.
  • Your task in this contest will be to create the most beautiful garden using only the following items: all kinda of flower pots that you got in june, red roses and blue roses.
  • The contest cannot be made inside a house or a guildhall.
  • Members of Tibia Tips cannot make part in competition.
  • Multiple entries will be allowed, but each must be submitted indivuadlly, but only one prize per participant will be awarded.
  • Plagiarism will not be tolerated under any circumstances and the eventually caught participant will be banned from this contest.


  • First place 100 tibia coins
  • Second place 50 tibia coins
  • Third place 50 tibia coins.
  • Send the entries to @tibia_tips private message in this instagram! or in tibiatips44@gmail.com , send your character name and world server.
  • We members of Tibia Tips will select the top 10 and then we will choose the 3 finals;
  • If there are any questions or doubts about the contest contact us in instagram @tibia_tips.